Logo of Latvijas Mākslas akadēmija

Latvijas Mākslas akadēmija

Latvia, Rīga    See a map
Kalpaka bulvāris 13, Centra rajons.

The Art Academy of Latvia was founded in 1919 by one of the first Latvian professional painters and the first rector of the academy Vilhelms Purvītis (1872-1945). A modernized tradition of academic education, openness to topical art processes and activities, contribution of the pedagogues in preparing young artists and a high-level performance of the students have ensured and preserved the Academy’s authority till nowadays.

Currently the Art Academy of Latvia is the most significant institution of art and design in Latvia. It offers knowledge and skills to anyone interested in becoming an independent and accomplished artist.

There are three study programmes in the Academy that offer a contemporary arts education based on local traditions:

Bahelor of Arts - Bachelor degree programme in Arts (4-year studies)

Master of Arts - Master degree programme in Arts (2-year studies)

Doctor of Arts - Doctoral degree programme in Arts (3-year studies)

Practical Doctoral Studies in Arts (3-year studies)

Bachelor's programme provides the opportunity to gain knowledge in the history of art and culture and also get acquainted with the different principles and procedures of art while focusing on the technical and compositional features of their chosen fields of specialization.

Master's programme is where the new artists lay the groundwork for the entrance into the national and the global world of art.

Doctoral studies offers an opportunity to conduct a substantial and deep research of cultural and artistic processes which are related to the chosen research topic.

The Academy also organises and involves in various local and international projects, exhibitions, symposiums, mobility programs and other creative activities with aim to provide students the opportunity to broaden their view, gain new experiences and establish new contacts between professionals in different art and design fields - both nationally and globally.

Around 700 students study at the Art Academy of Latvia every year. And we are most pleased that the study process is characterized by exceptionally good collaboration between students and their professors.

The Art Academy of Latvia was founded in 1919 by one of the first Latvian professional painters and the first rector of the academy Vilhelms Purvītis (1872-1945). A modernized tradition of academic education, openness to topical art processes and activities, contribution of the pedagogues in preparing young artists and a high-level performance of the students have ensured and preserved the Academy’s authority till nowadays.

Currently the Art Academy of Latvia is the most significant institution of art and design in Latvia. It offers knowledge and skills to anyone interested in becoming an independent and accomplished artist.

There are three study programmes in the Academy that offer a contemporary arts education based on local traditions:

Bahelor of Arts - Bachelor degree programme in Arts (4-year studies)

Master of Arts - Master degree programme in Arts (2-year studies)

Doctor of Arts - Doctoral degree programme in Arts (3-year studies)

Practical Doctoral Studies in Arts (3-year studies)

Bachelor's programme provides the opportunity to gain knowledge in the history of art and culture and also get acquainted with the different principles and procedures of art while focusing on the technical and compositional features of their chosen fields of specialization.

Master's programme is where the new artists lay the groundwork for the entrance into the national and the global world of art.

Doctoral studies offers an opportunity to conduct a substantial and deep research of cultural and artistic processes which are related to the chosen research topic.

The Academy also organises and involves in various local and international projects, exhibitions, symposiums, mobility programs and other creative activities with aim to provide students the opportunity to broaden their view, gain new experiences and establish new contacts between professionals in different art and design fields - both nationally and globally.

Around 700 students study at the Art Academy of Latvia every year. And we are most pleased that the study process is characterized by exceptionally good collaboration between students and their professors.

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Maģistra studijas

Maģistra studijas, pilna laika
Vizuālās mākslas apakšprogramma
MAVizuālā komunikācija
Maģistra studijas, pilna laika
Audio-vizuālās mediju mākslas apakšprogramma
Maģistra studijas, pilna laika
Vizuālās mākslas apakšprogramma
MAFunkcionālais dizains
Maģistra studijas, pilna laika
Dizaina apakšprogramma
MAKustība. Attēls. Skaņa.
Maģistra studijas, pilna laika
Audio-vizuālās mediju mākslas apakšprogramma
MAMākslas vēsture un teorija
Maģistra studijas, pilna laika
Mākslas zinātnes apakšprogramma
MAPOST (nākamā uzņemšana 2025./2026.st.g.)
Maģistra studijas, pilna laika
Vizuālās mākslas apakšprogramma

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Doktora studijas

Art.D.Profesionālā doktora studiju programma
Doktora studijas, pilna laika
PhDZinātniskā doktorantūra
Doktora studijas, pilna laika


Vizuālās mākslas apakšprogramma

Maģistra studijas, pilna laika
Vizuālās mākslas apakšprogramma
Maģistra studijas, pilna laika
Vizuālās mākslas apakšprogramma
MAPOST (nākamā uzņemšana 2025./2026.st.g.)
Maģistra studijas, pilna laika
Vizuālās mākslas apakšprogramma
Maģistra studijas, pilna laika
Vizuālās mākslas apakšprogramma
MAZīmēšana (nākamā uzņemšana 2025./2026.st.g.)
Maģistra studijas, pilna laika
Vizuālās mākslas apakšprogramma

Audio-vizuālās mediju mākslas apakšprogramma

MAVizuālā komunikācija
Maģistra studijas, pilna laika
Audio-vizuālās mediju mākslas apakšprogramma
MAKustība. Attēls. Skaņa.
Maģistra studijas, pilna laika
Audio-vizuālās mediju mākslas apakšprogramma
Maģistra studijas, pilna laika
Audio-vizuālās mediju mākslas apakšprogramma
MAVides māksla
Maģistra studijas, pilna laika
Audio-vizuālās mediju mākslas apakšprogramma

Dizaina apakšprogramma

MAFunkcionālais dizains
Maģistra studijas, pilna laika
Dizaina apakšprogramma
MAMetāla dizains
Maģistra studijas, pilna laika
Dizaina apakšprogramma
MAModes dizains
Maģistra studijas, pilna laika
Dizaina apakšprogramma

Mākslas zinātnes apakšprogramma

MAMākslas vēsture un teorija
Maģistra studijas, pilna laika
Mākslas zinātnes apakšprogramma
MAKuratoru studijas
Maģistra studijas, pilna laika
Mākslas zinātnes apakšprogramma
Maģistra studijas, pilna laika
Mākslas zinātnes apakšprogramma

Vizuāli plastiskās mākslas apakšprogramma

Maģistra studijas, pilna laika
Vizuāli plastiskās mākslas apakšprogramma
MAStikla māksla
Maģistra studijas, pilna laika
Vizuāli plastiskās mākslas apakšprogramma
Maģistra studijas, pilna laika
Vizuāli plastiskās mākslas apakšprogramma