Sīkāka informācija par sīkdatnēm

Mēs izmantojam sīkfailus un citas tehnoloģijas, kas saglabā datus jūsu ierīcē, lai vietne būtu uzticama un droša, pielāgotu jūsu pieredzi un analizētu vietnes lietojumu.

Zemāk esošajā tabulā ir aprakstītas funkcionālās sīkdatnes, kas ir obligāti nepieciešamas lapas darbībai. Additional cookies are stored for the analytics and metrics purposes.

Vārds Veids Derīguma termiņš Mērķis
DA-260bebde8... * Tikai HTTP, drošs Beidzas ar sesiju We store a randomly generated session ID, so that you are able to sign in and stay signed in while you are submitting your data.
sidebar-active Secure Beidzas ar sesiju This cookies stores the layout choice that the user (applicant) has made, namely whether the left sidebar menu is preferred open or closed.
wcag-contrast Secure Beidzas ar sesiju This cookie is used to remember if the the user (applicant) has enabled the "High contrast mode" accessibility feature.
locale HTTP-only
2 gadi This cookie stores the locale (language) that the user (applicant) has chosen (or has been automatically applied).
territory[territory] HTTP-only
2 gadi This cookie stores the country/territory that the user (applicant) is coming from, in order to show the correct applicable deadlines, fees and requirements.
territory[verified] HTTP-only
2 gadi This cookie stores whether or not the user (applicant) has verified the automatically detected country/territory.
cookies Secure 2 gadi This cookie stores the choices that the user (Applicant) has made in the "Cookie preferences" dialog.
wishlist Local storage N/A The user (applicant) may choose, as on optional feature, to save some programmes / courses into their "wishlist".

* The actual name of the cookie is derived cryptographically from the domain name